Bone Graft Surgery for Gum & Bone Disease
When it comes to our oral health and wellness, there are few things more important than the health of our gums, as when they are healthy, they act as a protective shield for our teeth and our jawbone area. The jawbone is vital to giving our mouth its overall shape and structure, while also acting as the foundation to which our teeth and gums are affixed. This connection is quite strong and the main reason why our teeth are so difficult to fall or even be pulled out on their own. However, according to Dr. David Malakov, known as the top specialist for bone graft surgery NYC has to offer, like other areas of the mouth, when the gums get infected, and the infection is left untreated – the infection will become more and more, severe over time.
Eventually, as we know, this bacterial infection will soon spread from the soft tissue of the gums, to the hard, bone tissue of the teeth, and soon after, the even harder bone tissue of the jaw. This is one of the worst things that can happen in terms of oral health, and will undoubtedly require a number of different regenerative periodontal procedures Manhattan periodontist David Malakov and his team will likely work together alongside the patient to come up with a proper method of treatment to determine what the patient will respond to the best. The fact of the matter is that at this point, the patient will need a combination of both gum graft surgery as well as bone graft surgery Manhattan has quite a few different oral surgery specialists who offer this procedure, however as an up and coming periodontal specialist, Dr. Malakov has shown the ability to not only match the patient with the best bone grafts but to also ensure the patient also has an aesthetically-pleasing look as well – offering both form and function!
Assessing the Jawbone
One of the important parts of such a complicated combination of regenerative periodontal procedures Manhattan experts always say is the consultation, as this is the time in which the patient and their surgeon will get on the same page and understand what the other plans and hopes to achieve from this procedure. Also,its almost a final chance for the physician to survey the patient’s mouth, gums, teeth, and jaw the best they can, and try to attain and information that might have been missed in any of the previous appointments or examinations. In addition, because the jawbone is such a vital area, one important thing to do is to assess the quality and other aspects of the jawbone through taking a CT scan. The dental implant post is inserted into your jawbone, and it needs a certain amount of bone to hold it securely in place. In most of these instances, the main issue is that there is a damaged or fallen tooth, and the empty area is where a lot of the bacteria is able to access the root, gums and jawbone.
Any missing teeth will need a dental implant, adding dental implant surgery to the list of regenerative periodontal procedures Manhattan dentist David Malakov has to perform. When a dental implant surgery needs to be performed, as we mentioned, there needs to be a certain amount of bone for the implant to be strongly affixed to as the jawbone forms some of the strongest connections of all bones. However, if there is insufficient bone there is a high risk that the dental implant could and it won’t be strong enough to support a replacement tooth. If a CT scan reveals bone deficiencies we will need to perform a bone graft surgery NYC has quite a few periodontists and many of them would recommend performing these procedures in conjunction but others might think it better to split them up – however, this can leave a patient in and out of the dentist’s chair for close to a 8 to 10 months between pre-surgical prep and post-surgical recovery.
What is a Bone Graft?
When it comes to tooth and jawbone procedures, there’s a number of reasons why an individual might need a bone graft or bone implant – as it can be used to build up the height or width of bones within the jaw, and is often placed in smaller procedures where a small amount of bone matter might need to be grafted. Depending upon the size of the jawbone matter needed, surgery might be able to happen right away or within 3 to 6 months. While it is rare, if the size of the jawbone graft is relatively smaller than the dental implant, than they can be affixed at the same time, and they will slowly fuse on their own at the same time. However, in most cases, the jawbone graft is affixed first (as it is larger than the dental implant) and once that graft fuses naturally to the patient’s actual jawbone (again, 3-6 months later) the dental implant surgery can be performed.
The gum graft surgery must also be performed, by either using a gum graft sourced from material taken from a tissue bank, or from a similar piece of tissue sourced from the roof of the patient’s own mouth. In addition, in some cases, they can use tissue-stimulating proteins that will simply stimulate the body to create additional gum tissue or even bone tissue at an exponentially faster rate, for the express purposes of acting as a graft for this procedure. Now to learn more about the specifics of the gum graft, be sure to check out our other articles on the topic. And for more information on all things gum disease and periodontal health, be sure to contact Dr. David Malakov today.